Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Old drab shoes to Fab shoes!

Fabulous is one of my favorite describing words :) Fabulous fabulous fabulous!

SO who has old worn out shoes that look like these?

These were headed to the trash can, and then I had an idea! My daughter needed shoes to go with her out fit for her upcoming pageant. I didnt want to spend any more money than I already had. So I took some scrap fabric from her out fit (my mom made), some mod podge, and hot glue.
Give the shoes a good cleaning and let dry.
First I got out my handy dandy seam ripper and went to work on the bows.

Make sure to get all the strings.

Seperate the sole from the shoe very carefully. Use and exacto knife and lightly score the sole line.
Hold the sole and pull on the shoe until its a cm or 2. Youll tuck the fabric in here so it needs to be deep enough to glue back down and not show the glue.

Cut a piece of fabric big enough to cover the whole shoe.
Next cut up the center of the fabric 1/4 of an inch from the top edge.

Get your Mod podge, i used the shine finish kind.

Center your fabricon the toe, brush a good amout of mod podge on the shoe. It will squish through the fabric which is fine because in the last step you will coat the whole shoe in it anyway. Let it dry enough so it doesnt slip around. Trim the over hang flesh with the bottom of the sole.

This part is kinda tricky. smooth out as much wrinkles as possible and tuck the ends between the sole, keeping the folds between the shoe and sole as much as possible.

 Cut slits in the top of the fabric about a cm from the edge, this allows you to fold it under with out it creasing.
continue to glue the fabric to the sides of the shoe, when you get to the back of the shoe lay one edge flat and glue it down. Then fold the other side in 1/4 in and glue it down, that way the seam wont fray. Make sense? sorry no pic of that step, im sure youll figure it out!
next cover the whole shoe in a good thick amount of mod podge this seals the shoe. I used my finger to spread the it around. Alough I would stay away from water while wearing these. Let dry,
Then hot glue the sole back down and
TA DAH!!! arent they so stinkin cute?? and easy!! these coast $0 and are the perfect thing for her outfit!!

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